Thursday, November 27, 2008

Jessica D. landscape

This is a picture of my backyard. I didn't really adjust much on it because I had already uploaded it by the time I decided what I wanted to change.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Landscapes-Ashley Smith

I took these in Europe last summer. The first one is in Switzerland on the way up Pilatus Mountain. I edited it on Picnik just because I thought it would be cool to keep the color of the train car. The second one is a castle in Northern Italy. I actually took it out our bus window.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sarah's landscape pic #2

This is my other landscape. I took it this summer at a small beach in Florida. That day it was really overcast, so the sky is a little darker, which I think looks cool with the ocean. I edited the contrast, shadows, and added a little highlights.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shannon's landscape pic

Hello! Sorry this late! I'm not sure if this is considered a landscape pic, but it has land in it! ;)  But anyways...I took this picture while in my mom's car. :) I don't really remember exactly what I did, but I'm pretty sure I just amped up the contrast and turned it to black and white and some other jazz like that!:] 

Daniel's landscapes -- a little bigger

Daniel's landscape

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Adrienne's landscape pic!

so this pic was taken of the sun rise and i upped the contrast and sharpness on it, i think it turned out pretty good!

Sarah's landscape picture

This is on the KY river. I edited the contrast, made the shadows darker, and highlighted the sky.

Rachel Sylvester - Landscape

i just realized that my picture didnt download for my last

post... oops. but here is my landscape.


Lianna's Landscape

Hey, I took this in black and white. After I Uploaded the picture on the computer. I then used to make it Lomo-ish. I also took this picyure in a park close to my house.

Landscape picture..[Ally]

This is my landscape picture...its in my backyard i edited it with picnik..and thats about it.

Sarah Foster- landscape pic

This pic was originally in color and in my opinion it looked better that way. I also had a pic of a rainbow but I think thats the opposite of what this project was ment to be.


Sorry this is a little late. This is a picture of king's island. I changed it to black and white and increased the contrast.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Katie Simmons-Landscape

This picture was taken with the auto setting. I turned it to black and white and then uped the contrast.

Victoria's Landscape

Sorry! i forgot to do my landscape in b/ here it is again.

Victoria's Landscape Adv.

So here's my landscape, it was taken at my Unlce's this summer. I upped the contrast on it. =D

Jessica G.'s black & white landscape photo (adv. photography)


I had a lot of fun with this assignment. First, I made it black & white (through my camera mode). Then (after uploading the picture onto my computer), I used 'shutterfly' to mess with the 'contrast' & 'brightness'. Afterwards, I 'sharpened' the photo. The 'before' and 'after' photo are both here so you can see the difference...


Caleb B.'s Landscape

I have taken alot of awesome landscapes lately and I came down to these two. I couldn't make a decision between them so I am loading both. This first one is in front of Asbury Theological Seminary. They have two huge ginko trees out front and they are beastly amazing.
So this other one is taken from the parking garage at the hospital looking out at Commonwealth Stadium.

This is my Landscape Pic

Ben's Landscape

Sunday, November 16, 2008

here is my action shot.

its a figure skater.

she was really good.

Rachel Sylvester - Landscape

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

umm i'm pretty sure you said we were supposed to put up a landscape. well i'm terrible at those but heres one that i took that i kinda like. the blueish stuff on the right is water. this was taken at a bible college in indianna


Friday, November 7, 2008


so you said we could upload macro focus pictures and I got really happy because those are my favorite! Someone found this worm at soccer practice and I named it Charlie:] The top one isn't the clearest.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Eye Patch

um this is just a random photo for brownie points =)
