Sunday, October 12, 2008

Caleb's Story Pic

Caleb's Story

This is a story. A story of an average Tuesday morning. That Tuesday morning the dashing and charming young hero was riding home in the church van. He was riding home because on Tuesday mornings it was his custom to go the the church at 7:15 am for a student prayer breakfast. Returning, as usual, at about 8:30 am the dashing young hero decides to pull out his camera. While sitting amongst his friends, enemies, admirers, and otherwise loyal subjects the hero elects to take a picture. And seeing that the hero is a lucky person he caught his compadrates in a great pose.


Photography said...

aw man, I'm sorry, but that is a GREAT story/picture. Yeah, nice bro.

Photography said...

I just have to say... that is NASTY.
~Sarah Houp